Moscow is a matryoshka of bureaucracy, mafia (sub-layered into policemen, politicians, oilmen, bankers, office criminals, street criminals, and generally everybody else), sold ideals, lost identities, money, insane traffic jams, insanely parked cars, nice architecture, ugly architecture, beautiful women, gorgeous babushkas, alcoholics, nostalgics and dreamers.
Living in the suburbs of Moscow offer a unique point of view over the real feel of the city, away from luxory places frequented by the elite, russian bandits and rich expats. It's also a true school of life, full of challenges, adjustments and, most of all, understanding. To understand Russians is probably the biggest and most rewarding experience.
It's a long way, though.
This collection of postcards resumes the tragicomedy of life in Moscow during the boiling summer: the miracle of life unfolds its secrets.
Harsh, funny, crazy, melancholic, careless, cold, dirty, noisy, mercyless, romantic, true, spoiled, sinking, expanding, screaming, boiling: welcome to Moscow!

Moscow breakfast, 8am: fresh 66cl beer while enjoying the last page of a newspaper

The new face of Russia

Two men and some beers looking at a nice panorama

Walking in downtown you will see hundreds of high fashion shops and expensive stuff, but you will struggle to find a grocery store; that's why the government unexpectedly authorized open markets in city center to ease life of muscovites, who cannot feed themselves with Gucci and Cartier.
Could it be any better?

Russian way of repressing bells

A summer rain can melt everything: even zebra crossings!

A very brave man fights the Moscow traffic with a motorized bicycle. All my respect!

Russian men can easily be heavy-beer drinkers or cool family-men; often both at the same time

Russians love gardening

A nice old garbage bin on fire

This dude is going to get the latest shit in a ROCK SHOP...

... while this one is waiting for somebody to buy flowers to...
A bit of resentment transpires from his face

Shopping addiction is a must in Moscow

Washing a theatre...

... and painting it up and down

In the metro - more here

Very Moscow I

Very Moscow II

Very Moscow III

Very Moscow IV

Very Moscow V

Very Russia I

Very Russia II

Very Russia III

Very Russia IV

Very Russia V

The sun setting on the Boulevards fulfills our day.
The white thing in the air is called "Summer snow" - as if we miss snow here

Notification board from municipality and a mini-football playground.
As always safety matters

Nature in Moscow is overwhelming

This is not a trekking through north Thailand's jungle, but a feeding ducks session in a beautiful wooden track on a lake in Moscow's suburbs!

Ecological house - Moscow "Provence"

Many mothers can look out for their children from the window, while cooking borsch, without bothering coming outside.
Comfort is a must in Russia, everything is carefully planned for the daily routine to proceed without interruptions.


Another great example of Russian loving care: if trees are accidentally chopped down, they are painted green (preferably with cheap and toxic paint) in order to blend with the flourishing nature and maintain harmony

Bicycles are not very popular in Moscow, it would be quite a suicide to ride around such insane drivers. Apparently though it's popular to leave the dog tied to bicycle parkings while buying goods, such as beer, at the supermarket.

Outstanding open-air display of cosmetics for fashion addicted hipsters.
Professional client service is offered by this gentleman and the cheerleader next to him

Dwarf market overview

Dwarf market detail

To reach the apteka - pharmacy, you must first visit this beautiful cake shop

Nice animal food store located inside a human food store. The scent here is rare!

Metalloremont - Interesting to notice how in many many shops in Russia the transaction between shop-keeper and customer happens through a mini hole in the wall - maybe to avoid the uncomfortable task of looking at each other, let alone greeting or smiling.

Again, customer service is priority

Drive-through-natural-food shop on a sidewalk in downtown Moscow

One of the very few car-free alleys in Moscow center

The term Milizia has recently changed into Polizia, softer term but same criminals behind it

Milizia aka police: top 5 criminal organization in Russia; nonetheless the best career opportunity for lazy, violent, uneducated and corruptible people. Pretty girls also welcomed.

Is policeman duty not to regulate the insane Moscow traffic nor to care about the uncountable traffic rule brakers.
Indeed he should stop innocent pedestrians on zebra crossing and use their indisputable power to extort as much money as possible using cheap techniques and false accusations.

This was amazing: an ambulance with sirens loudly on miraculously managed to cut through this 3-lane avenue without being smashed by the hurried drivers, who were speeding up without bothering.
It's fondamental to have a toy-camera always ready on hands to catch these brilliant moments

This is also amazing: all of a sudden Moscow center sidewalks have been pulverized. Why?
Apparently one of the many Moscow mayor concubines has an affair ALSO with a huge company producing bricks. Hence the large and long asphalted sidewalks are going to be filled with million of nicely and uselessly crafted bricks

Experts in engineering and safety are making sure everything carefully follows the plan

On the right side, between these experts and that bus there's a 1 meter corridor where pedestrians are allowed to walk. All is for safety's sake

Daily activities go on in full swing

Nice overview of Moscow center during the works


Emergency beer container

Do not smoke: soviet petrol station

Well equipped flea market in downtown

DIY fashion market. Sadly cars are confined outside this tiny pedestrian zone

DIY fashion market door-to-door agent. The black car is like a work permit here.

Highly skilled archeologists in safety outfit are discovering and cataloguing old remains of the ancient city

Soviet cafe

Summer is almost over: first day of school!
1 comment:
Your photos are great! We have been to many places that you have shown in your photos. Russia is a great country to visit and explore!
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